Sunday, 20 November 2016


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In India now a day we find struggle of children between two Mediums of study -Mother tongue and English. Some of the people believe that the child must study in English medium school because without English no one have future. English is international language so if anyone want to go ahead than English is the first Step. But the primary thing to accept any language is the Culture. Whenever we accept any language we need to be familiar with the culture.
Culture and the language both are closely connected with each other that even we want to just learn the language and not follow the culture than its nearly impossible. The roots of any language is always the culture. So here I have try to know that is it just easy for the children who study in English medium and also the parents are supporting him but what about the other? When he goes back to his culture is it easy for him to adjust with others? Socio- culture is my primary field of study.
English as language is spreading in the world like a wind. So every parents want their child must be master of English language so he must never face any problem. My area of study is Problems of children who are studying in English medium school even their parents are also supporting them to create such environment but when they go back to their culture and meet other people of their society is it difficult for them to adjust with other? What kind of problems they are facing? They feel superiority over them or feeling inferiority? They become Central of attention or avoiding by others? They match with every one of just running away from other children?
Human is a social Animal. We cannot live without society but we also want to has some superior status in our society. To just increase our level in society we are running fast and fast. Parents are not asking the child that what he want? As per the need of English in the society we find that if the child is studying in English medium that somewhere it’s give satisfaction to parents that they have done their best for child. Generally, many cases come on the headline that if parents cannot give appropriate atmosphere to the child at home that he get confuse between two languages.
Modern Parents are also trying to make everything easy for the child so they are starting to behave like a English man. The English culture, manners, way of living life, attitude and aptitude, even celebrate such festival which give some sense to the child that how to be in such occasion. No doubt this will be very helpful to the child but what if other child from the family are not getting the same environment? When they all get together in any occasion or any other festival than this child must find himself different from others.
Here I have studied some cases in which I find what the children have facing because of their culture and life is different.
Before I represent my report I want to say that its always become difficult for some to adjust easily in any culture but after all it depends on an individual.

  1. KhushChetanbhaiGelani
Std. 5
P.P.Savani school, Surat
English Medium

In this case I have studied on the base of Age. I find that parents are very supportive and also well educated. His mother is trying her best to improve his level in study. They are celebrating such festivals like Christmas, He knows about the Bunny not only as animal but also reference with Christianity. His mother is doing this all because its helps him to adjust when he goes to the school and not feel alienation.
But when I have asked her mother about his behaviour when he meet other children she was disappointed from her child. He cannot easily understand what others are playing, even the language is also major problem which don’t allow him to connect with other easily. When other children are playing in dirt and not so clean he avoids to go with them.
He cannot understand his mother tongue properly so he doesn’t understand what elders are saying. And sometimes elders also shout on him because they think he is not obedient to them.

  1. Milan J. Dobariya
St. Xavier High school, Nasik

He is also the one who have Gujarati family background but he is studying in English Medium from the childhood. Even he is living very far from home and coming only few times to visit his home and parents at Gujarat. As he is living away from the Gujarat and Gujarati people he is just alien to most of the Gujarati rituals. Even he wasavoided to come home in the vacation.
Whenever he come back to home he feels that he is not a family member because he doesn’t like the behaviour of other children of family. When everyone playing together he used to stay silent. But as he become elder he understands everything about Gujarati Culture. He can understand the Gujarati language because he learnt that.

Std. 8
Sister Nivodita High school, Hyderabad

She belongs from Marathi family. Her parents are living at Hyderabad but their roots lied in Maharashtra. She has spent her childhood at Maharashtra but later on they have shifted to Hyderabad. She has some blurred memory of her childhood days. Even after shifting to Hyderabad they are following the culture of that place and living like the part of that place.
After 9 years her family have visited her homeland again. When she has gone there she feels that she come to some unknown place among the stranger. She faced many problems. The first is Language, because everyone speaking Marathi Fluent but she finds problem in speaking. She cannot understand the rituals of people, Even the way of living life is something different.

4)Priyanka Chattopadhyay
Std. MA Sem 3
Department of English, Pune University

Priyanka is a girl a mature girl. She has studied in throughout English Medium. She has also passed many years with atmosphere of English. And when she came back to her culture she doesn’t feel any difficulty because she used to visit her homeland often. She was much familiar with her culture and English culture.
From the beginning she has maintained relation between her school culture, college culture, home culture etc. When a person become mature than maybe he/she feels comfortable in any condition or may be its become easy to adjust in any condition.

These are some of the case study that I have studied. When I was working on that I find that maturity level of the person also played a vital role in understand and adjustment. Sometimes it’s also create such a problem when they go outside from their secure zone and its really become uncomfortable for them. Sometimes they also have to suffer because of language and culture. When no one around them try to understand they became failure to realize their problem to others.

Society and Language both are interwoven with each other from the ancient time. So we cannot separate them. Whenever any language dies it’s not only death of language but its death of the culture, death of one society, death of one human colonialism. Today English has played such a vital role in the death of many languages, many cultures and many colonies.

Negative reading of the character of Mrs. Ramsay



To The Lighthouse” is the novel which become famous because the writer has used the technique of Stream of Consciousness. Even we find that When Virginia Woolf has written the novel when women were not writing. Even they were only doing the household works. Without focussing on the introduction lets directly focus on the interesting matters.
To The Lighthouse is written by one woman so obviously the focus must be on the woman. She was suffering from several kinds of problems because she was ambitious while at that time generally the duty of women is to serve husband and children and doing household works. But she has some different vision. She has started to write so it was something against the social values and norms of the society. Even being a woman we find her desire to be a writer and also to be a successful woman writer.
In her book we find many characters but the central character of the novel is Mrs. Ramsay. She is in the centre and the novel begin when she was alive and its ends when she was dead. Can we say that the whole novel is all about the women who is just doing household works? Is it all about a woman who is pampering ego of all the man(male)? is it the novel about a woman who loves to cooking and to take care of guest? Or there is also something else.
Generally, when we discuss the use of Symbol in the novel we got hundreds of article which discuss that Mrs. Ramsay as the central character and obviously when we look at the novel with that perspective but that is not all as I have seen. I find that Mrs. Ramsay is not that much great as it was shown by the writer or maybe she was characterised by many of critics. She has many weaknesses and may it represent that Virginia Woolf has not created her that much great but it was the vision of the society not her. How the people give the attention towards any woman not because of her ambition like man but woman are generally judged by their wok and how she is great in cooking, how she pampers the ego of the man???
Now let’s discuss the character of Mrs. Ramsay but not with the typical way as we have seen her from the earlier time. Let’s look at her with the modern Perspective. Let’s discuss her negative points which may Virginia Woolf want us to see.
Mrs. Ramsay is somewhere bridge between Mr. Ramsay and the children. in the beginning we find that When Ramsay refused to go Lighthouse the little boy wants to kill him for being so rude and he love his mother. Let’s not connect here the relation of mother and child with any complex because it will not make the point clear. Here we find that until Mrs. Ramsay was alive there is not good relation between father and children Because Mr. Ramsay was straight forward any decision and also very realistic man. Even in the novel also we find,
What he said was true. It was always true. He was incapable of untruth; never tampered with a fact; never altered a disagreeable word to suit the pleasure or convenience of any mortal being, least of all of his own children, who, sprung from his loins, should be aware from childhood that life is difficult; facts uncompromising; and the passage to that fabled land where our brightest hopes are extinguished, our frail barks founder in darkness”
He has many problems and so he was also not that much rich compare to the spend of Mrs. Ramsay.
Mrs. Used to pamper the ego of all the man no matter if he is her husband or the little child or may any guest. Mrs. Was a sweet tongued to all the man but she was not that much good to her daughter. When the father was angry or not good to her son she is always there to pamper his ego and so that little boy(James) loves his mother. She was not much great to her daughter. So we find that she was biased towards her own children.
During the whole day she was trying to make everyone happy as we have seen but that was not truth. Once we find that she was saying that she wants be immortal and always remain in the memory of the everyone.
Mrs. Ramsay is the mother so as the idea woman it’s her duty to maintain the relationship or establish the good relationship between father and children. We can see that she was bridge between father and children but just because of that there is no relation between father and children. Even when father become rude to children instead of make other to understand the point of their father she used to give false promises. She used to tell the tales and stories to them which are not real and also teach greed.
When the little boy(James) was afraid at the night because of the mask of that animal she wraps her clothe there rather than make them brave and face the reality.
Mrs. Was once talking that whatever she was doing is just to remain forever in the memory of everyone. She also become successful in that because after her death she also remain in the memory of the everyone. Many years have been passed but no one is capable to replace her in the home.
Some empty spaces are reserved no one can
replace them.”
Mrs. Ramsay is also the place that no one can replace that. At the end when they were going to the Lighthouse finally there was silent but everyone was missing her. When the first time Mr. Ramsay praise James, he become very happy. He was waiting for that moment from many years and they didn’t jump in joy but his facial expression was everything to show his happiness. Virginia Woolf has written that,
What do you want? they both wanted to ask. They both wanted to say, Ask us anything and we will give it you. But he did not ask them anything”
That unknown silence between all of them has many voices even they all can heard that but no one wants to answer. Before they have landed to the Lighthouse it was very difficult to pass such areas and so Mr. Ramsay praise him the moment was described as,
He looked at it attentively; he made, perhaps, some mathematical calculation. At last he said, triumphantly:
"Well done!" James had steered them like a born sailor.
There! Cam thought, addressing herself silently to James. You've got it at last. For she knew that this was what James had been wanting, and she knew that now he had got it he was so pleased that he would not look at her or at his father or at any one. There he sat with his hand on the tiller sitting bolt upright, looking rather sulky and frowning slightly. He was so pleased that he was not going to let anybody share a grain of his pleasure. His father had praised him. They must think that he was perfectly indifferent. But you've got it now, Cam thought.

    Finally, that silence was broken. And Lily Briscoe has also completed her picture. It was about Mrs. Ramsay and we can say that as she was framed in the picture she was disappeared from the relations of father and children.
    Lily Briscoe is totally opposite to Mrs. Ramsay and that is the reason that she is not at the centre. But the modern reading proves her as the centre not Mrs. Ramsay.
Lily is not doing anything to get praise, she is not living her life for others or sacrificing her life for others, she has her own dreams, she is realistic, she doesn’t want to be immortal, whatever she was doing have never selfish purpose. So the modern reading of character of Lily and Mrs. Ramsay made a different perspective.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Use of colour consciousness in Indian film and advertisement

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         CLASS: M.A. PART 2




             Franz Fanon is a very famous writer of the African Literature. He has written one essay which represent the problems and the culture of African people. “Black Skin White Mask” is basically written in French language. But what we see is that not only in the Africa but also in the other countries, the black skin people are suffering for being the black skin everywhere. There we find that Black people are always consider as the minority.
In Africa The black women are suffering because they are not only humiliated by White man but they were humiliated by White man, white women as well as black man.  It is not happening from few years but they are being minority from the ancient time because in the bible we find that Angles are white and the devils are always Black.
         This is all about Africa and other country where only black and white people are living but now lets discuss about colour consciousness in Indian Film and advertisement in Indian Film industry.

           India is not the country of white people but still black skin people are suffering a lot. Without focusing on other matters I have tried to concentrate on the Colour consciousness in Indian Film Industry and the Advertisement.
          India is basically the country of the not any particular types of people but here we find that India is such a country where people are living together with many culture and many colour but do we say the same thing about our film and Advertisement?

         Lets start with the Advertisement of children accessories:

            This is the link of Advertisement of Huggies. Lets not just look at this as an entertainment but we find that they have used the image of child is white baby why not the black baby?
           This is mindset of people that white is colour which always attract the while black colour is just like yak.. so in the advertisement industry we find that white colour is in the central. Its always remain in our mind no matter we accept or not but its there somewhere and consciously or unconsciously appear in our behaviour and our choice. Now just think that if there is some black baby in the advertisement that it may not look decent to us.

             This is again advertisement where we find that baby is white.. can we say something like the soap is reserved just for white baby or something like if black baby will also take bath from that soap than he will also become white?
             No more discussion on this children advertisement. Now lets discuss about the Women accessories.

              This is link of fairness cream advertisement. The girl has much fair skin. We don’t find that she need any fairness cream to look more white. Or it is just attempt to make people fool? Why they don’t choose any black skin girl for advertisement? We generally believe that white colour stand for honesty while black stand for evil or sadness. Why?? Why we are not looking at them just as human being?? Why we don’t have concept of Black beauty?? These all will remain just as question which never get answer.
 Even our Indian Black beauty heroines are also not represented as black but they wear too much make ups that they also look much fair. Bipasha Basu is the final example of Black Beauty.

 Black Beauty Make up Masked

           Here one more advertisement where you find style is not everything but your skin colour is something which is enough to attract the girls. Ohh.. c’mon man girls are not just like that. Why the girl was not interested in him? just because of his black colour? That’s not true otherwise none of the black skin person ever loved by anyone.

  Whatever shown by Bollywood stars are always spread among the people and its become a fashion.At some point we find that they always stand as some ideal people because we follow whatever shown by them. In many films we find that they have given the reference of white and black people. In the beginning period we find that only the person who have pretty face and fair colour is the one who got place in Bollywood. But the scenario is changed with the time. Now a days Specially when the directors show some faces of foreign they are not only showing white faces but black people are also there. But still they are marginalised.

       The film Queen also have one reference. It is the film when a girls have three friends. But at somewhere we find that she has not that much influenced Tim (the black fellow). Even when they used to go anywhere we find he was not that much in the centre or even not equally represented as other friends.
       We people believe that black coloured people are very strong and healthy. They don’t use their mind and just blindly followed the things without any influence to it. Why there is no concept of Black Heroine?

       This is an example where man could have never imagined his beloved as black girl. The another man is in love with that black lady but our hero find her disgusting. Is it just comedy or we are making fun on black people?
India is not the country of white man but we were colonised by white man in such way that we are not capable to look at the concept of black beauty. There are also several film example in Bollywood where we find if they describe black man as foreign influence or in the group of friends than also somewhere he must be marginalised.

       After the film "Barfi"Priyanka has described her suffering time because of black kin to The Times Of India, which is something like this,

People had a lot of issues about the fact that I was dusky and not a conventional-looking heroine. But I still got the opportunities I did. Grooming is a very important part of any girl's life.
"In the early days, I did not even know how to apply make-up. Over the years, with the help of various teams, I have worked on a vision of me and there are things that I could change in the process. This is true of most heroines.
"You learn to take care of yourself. I am not against plastic surgery. If it helps build self-esteem, I don't think there is anything wrong with it. But if it becomes an obsession, that can be a problem. For me, I got confidence from my films doing well."

      But why this concept is not applying on the man? In Bollywood we find many black heroes but they don’t need to show their white face. The film Freaky Ali in which hero is black but the heroine is much Fair. After all this is Bollywood.


         Black color is always seen as sadness or violence while white stand for peace and Angle. But who is the person who has started this? He must be someone white man. Black man is not always avoided by black man but we brown people also feel that we are superior and they are inferior. But now a day the concept is changed in other countries. The Hollywood is the example where we find black people also played the lead role. They are not always represented as negative character but they also described as loyal, courageous, even some times more smart than white. 

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Short stories of poe and the Novels by Ashvini Bhatt

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               Novel and Short story both are totally different form of literature. When we first time see both of them we find its just like waste of time to compare novel and short story. But the plot is something which connect novel and short story and here with the help of plot of the stories of A.E. Poe and Ashvini Bhatt( A Gujarati writer) both have written similar kind of plots. Suspense reveal at the end of the novel and story. So here i have tried to compare the novels of Ashvini Bhatt and short stories of A.E. Poe.


             A.E.Poe is a very famous short story writer of American Literature. He became very famous for his detective stories. The way he reveal the secrets and the narrative technique is also something very important which left effect on the mind of the readers. Whatever he Has written has started such a great revolution in the history of the American Literature. He become very famous as the father of the Detective stories. A.E.Poe has written not only the story of murder but also the stories of mystery, some hidden treasure, psychological abnormality etc. His stories are not always run around the human being but sometimes it goes to animal also. During reading of his stories we find that he has added element of suspense which going to  reveal at the end.
           Ashvini Bhatt is also very famous novel writer of Gujarati Literature. He is very famous for his suspense novels even his narrative technique is also one of the thing which made his so popular. He has not only written the murder stories but also his stories based on mystery, history and sometimes on very famous persona. Though He write the novel but it doesn't allow the reader to leave the book in the middle of the story because it have some magnetic element which caught reader for hours.
            Ashvini Bhatt is Indian writer, Poe is American writer, one is short story writer and another is novel writer even the language is also different. Both are just like much  different from each other so lets try to compare them and find out something new. Which is still undiscussed.

Here i will elaborate some of the points which are described below:

 Narrative Technique
 Culture and setting
 Form of art

      Now lets discuss about it in detail.


                  "Short story is the garland of words and
                     the novel is treasure of the words."

           While writing the novel the writer is always conscious with the language as well the short story writer is also very conscious with the use of words but both have different scale. Novel is just like the game of words you can play with words as much as you want but short story is like selection, you have to be very precise with your words and still you have in create the effect on the mind of the reader. Ashvini Bhatt is also a great player of the words and Poe is a great selector of the words.
      Ashvini Bhatt is a writer of Gujarati Language. He became popular because of his  use of language. Ashvini Bhatt has written many books but we find that all the stories are not same , even the use of language is also different. He has used different language for murder suspense and for mystery suspense. When he write about someone from the royal Family the language is different. He has always created such an atmosphere in his novel which may create doubt in the mind of the reader that he must be present when the situation happend or may be he was one of the character in the novel.
       Ashvini Bhatt and A.E.Poe are the writers who have great mastory over the language. Poe has used the language of a Criminal, inspector, politician,mentally abnormal people etc. Ashvini Bhatt has used the language of some heroine, royal family, a photographer, a fisherman and so many more. Just with the use of words they both have created such an criminal atmosphere.


       For any of the writer or poet the narrative technique is also the primary step towards the work. Narrative technique is the art which made any writer successful because only words don't have any effect but how one can arrange them is the main thing to create the scene. No matter is it a short story or a long novel but the treatment of words is always remain in the center of any work of art.
      The short stories of the Poe are not always get conclusion in 1000 words but sometimes it takes more than 10000 words. So its not always the story but sometimes its the plot and his narrative technique that how he create the effect. For him no matter if the character is criminal or a politician or it is the puzzle of any hidden treasure h has given justification to all of them.
      Ashvini Bhatt is a novel writer and we find that all his novels are not always same in the length because some of them are very long and some are short novel. Sometimes the novel open with the present and than the story goes to the flashback. He has also a great art of narration. Generally we said that through the narrative technique we can identify the personality of the writer or the poet but here we find that in his every book even not every incidents described in the single narrative techniques. It change with the time and character as well as the setting of the novel.

                     “Ashvini Bhatt and Poe both have most of the time used
                        the same narrative technique because its start with
                              present and than goes to flashback”

         Structure of the play most of the time follow the Paramedical Structure but its not we find in the case of novel and short story. Their stories never follow the same pattern but something similarity in all their novels and short stories is that they have reveal the suspense at the end and it start where we can see the plot was at the crisis. The plot never start with the introduction and that rising action and falling action etc.
       The novels of Ashvini like AYNO in which the story opens with the missing of someone in mysterious situation. But in his novel OTHAR  its not opens like this mysterious situation or murder or anything like that.While in the short stories of the Poe we find that there is some detective and he is always the hero of the story.
      Both of the writers have always put stress on the kind of suspense plot and they became very successful in doing that. Poe has stated this kind of stories in America and the experiment get highly appreciation from the readers. And also now a days only love story kind of plot are not getting always success and some detective kind of stories also get highly appreciation from people.
Example: CID get success like other love stories not just because of plot but also because of the structure.


   Culture always remain in the any work of art it may be consciously or unconsciously represented by the artist. The Novels of Ashvini Bhatt represent the Indian culture and the stories of the Poe represent the American culture.

              “One person can not escape from his culture
                   its may be consciuosly or unconsciously
                               appear in his work”

        Poe has described the manners of people, the way of living life even also very important that how the problems solved by detective not Police which describe the concept of detective in America comes earlier. Ashvini Bhatt has also represented the Indian Culture very effectively. How we have vision towards a heroine and a murderer. At the first look case seems very easy and also solved just in few times but the reality revealed at the end and show the reality.
        This is the point where both have similarities because both have represented their culture.


       Novel and the short story are the basically form of art but with having some own special characteristics. Novel is a long narrative plot while the Short story is very short plot. Novel may have many stories run together but in the case of the short story its not possible. Poe has given justification to this statement because his stories have always single narrative, single plot and a single story.

                        “Short story have a single plot which made
                           deep effect on the reader while sub plot
                               in novel may confuse the reader”

      The ultimate aim of any novel or short story or a poem is always to entertain the readers. But the novels of Ashvini Bhatt and the Short Stories of the Poe made the readers think about that. Its not much easy for reader to give any kind of predicament about the plot. They both have enough capacity to keep the interest of the reader.

                “Suspense is a magnetic effect which attract the
                 reader towards the books and spend hours on it”

      When Poe has started to write this kind of detective and suspense stories it was like risky because there was no craze for this type of stories but it goes very successful and also spread in the glob. It was highly appreciated after than many writers were inspired by him and the rise of this kind of story we find in the literature. Novels of Ashvini Bhatt and stories of Poe are also stand right on the scale of Entertainment.


Characters revel the personality of the writer because most of the time the characters are reflection of the writers thoughts. In the stories of the Poe i find,
                 “As much the Villain of the story is smart,
                  the writer have to create some mysterious
                       situations for the success of hero”

   As i have mentioned earlier that both of the writers have not always given the same treatment to their every work. They have given the best look to the villain and hero. In one of the novel of Ashvini Bhatt she has portrayed the character of Heroine as an innocent girl who is great in acting, she compare her life with film story is such a effect which impress the readers. The detective of the Poe is also portrayed such way who is capable to solve any mystery. The women characters in the novels of Ashvini Bhatt are very strong while the female character in the stories of Poe remain always as minor characters.


    Theme and plot of the novels by Ashvini Bhatt and A.E.Poe are similar kind of things. Poe has written such stories which use some detective stories and Ashvini Bhatt have created mystery. The plot never follow any particular pattern.I can say that:
                           “When we read Poe And Ashvini Bhatt,
                   our all the predicament goes failure at the end”

At the last i find that no matter if it is short story or a long Novel,No matter if it  written by an American author or an Indian writer, No matter if it written before many years or just a few backs earlier but the suspense stories always have their own place in the literature.

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Saturday, 2 April 2016

My presentations of sem-2

Victorian Era as era of Darkness?

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                   Victorian literature, and it's good to keep in mind that all literary periods, or movements, are really just a scholarly construct to help readers understand and classify literature from different time periods or that have been written in different styles. So, it's not like Charles Dickens got together with George Eliot and Robert Browning and went, 'Hey, we're Victorian writers, so our work better have a strong sense of right and wrong.' That's not how it worked.
                    Characteristics of Victorian literature are likely similar because the artists were inspired both by the art that came before them and the events occurring during the time that they were working. So, something can seem Victorian, but not have been written in the Victorian era, or something written in the Victorian era might not actually seem Victorian. For example, Charlotte and Emily Bronte wrote Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights In what would be considered the Victorian era, but those novels have much more qualities of the Romantic period.

Major Events of the Victorian Era:

          Victorian literature is just literature written during the reign of Queen Victoria in Great Britain. My favorite British comedian, Eddie Izzard, refers to Queen Victoria as 'one of England's more frumpy queens.' You can take a look at her picture and decide for yourself. So, Queen Victoria reigned from 1837-1901. Currently her reign is the longest of any British monarch - 63 years and 7 months - but it looks like our girl, Queen Elizabeth II, is well-poised to steal that record.
Some major events that took place during the Victoria era include:
 Huge growth in population
 Improvements in technology
 Changing world views
 Poor condition of the working class
Now let’s discuss about them in detail
   Huge growth in population
  • huge growth in population. During Victoria's reign, the population of England more than doubled, from 14 million to 32 million.
   Improvements in technology
  • There were also some significant improvements in technology. The Victorian era slightly overlaps with Britain's Industrial Revolution, which saw big changes to the way that people lived, worked, and traveled. These improvements in technology offered a lot of opportunities for the people in England but also represented a major upheaval in regards to how people lived their lives and interacted with the world. Those of us who were alive before the Internet should be able to relate. I mean, the Internet has made a lot of things easier, but it's also brought a lot of issues about personal privacy, how we communicate, and the potential for terrible things, like identity theft.
 Changing world views
  • Another characteristic of the Victorian era are changing world views. In addition to the major developments in technology, there were emerging scientific beliefs, like Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, and those things were changing how people in England thought about themselves and how they interacted with the world around them. Most notably, a lot of people were distancing themselves from the church.
 Poor conditions for the working class
  • And finally, there were poor conditions for the working class. The Industrial Revolution led to the distance between the haves and have-nots growing at a really high rate, and a lot of people (especially artists, like writers) felt obligated to speak out against what they believed to be societal injustices, which if you've followed any of the 'We are the 99%' movement, it might sound familiar to things that are happening right now.
There are main two important things happens during Victorian time.
Ø Industrialization
Ø New Education

Let’s discuss them in detail.

The Industrial Revolution — the changes in the making of goods that resulted from substituting machines for hand labor — began with a set of inventions for spinning and weaving developed in England in the eighteenth century. At first this new machinery was operated by workers in their homes, but in the 1780s the introduction of the steam engine to drive the machines led manufacturers to install them in large buildings called at first mills and later factories. Mill towns quickly grew in central and northern England; the population of the city of Manchester, for example, increased by ten times in the years between 1760 and 1830.

                    By the beginning of the Victorian period, the Industrial Revolution had created profound economic and social changes. Hundreds of thousands of workers had migrated to industrial towns, where they made up a new kind of working class. Wages were extremely low, hours very long — fourteen a day, or even more. Employers often preferred to hire women and children, who worked for even less than men. Families lived in horribly crowded, unsanitary housing. Moved by the terrible suffering resulting from a severe economic depression in the early 1840s, writers and men in government drew increasingly urgent attention to the condition of the working class. In her poem The Cry of the Children, Elizabeth Barrett Browning portrays the suffering of children in mines and factories. In The Condition of the Working Class, Friedrich Engels describes the conclusions he drew during the twenty months he spent observing industrial conditions in Manchester. His 1845 book prepared the ground for his work with Karl Marx on The Communist Manifesto (1848), which asserts that revolution is the necessary response to the inequity of industrial capitalist society. Elizabeth Gaskell, wife of a Manchester minister, was inspired to begin her writing career with the novel Mary Barton (1848) in order to portray the suffering of the working class. In Hard Times (1854), Charles Dickens created the fictional city of Coketown to depict the harshness of existence in the industrial towns of central and northern England. During the 1830s and 1840s a number of commissions introduced testimony about the conditions in mines and factories that led to the beginning of government regulation and inspection, particularly of the working conditions of women and children.

Victorian Prose:

Arguably the most well-known Victorian writer was Charles Dickens. He wrote a lot of novels about the struggles of the poor and the battle between right and wrong. His characters were really vivid but not terribly nuanced, so it's pretty obvious from the get-go who's good, who's bad, who can be reformed, and who can't.

         Dickens' novels usually end with every character getting the kind of ending they deserve. So, the good people get happy endings, and the bad people get sad endings, and there really aren't that many loose ends left at the end of the novel.
        Emily Bronte’s (see Bronte, family) single novel, Wuthering Heights (1847), is a unique masterpiece propelled by a vision of elemental passions but controlled by an uncompromising artist
The fine novels of Emily's sister Charlotte Bronte, especially Jane Eyre (1847) and Valletta (1853), are more rooted in convention, but daring in their own ways. The novels of George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) appeared during the 1860s and 70s. A woman of great erudition and moral fervor, Eliot was concerned with ethical conflicts and social problems. George Meredith produced comic novels noted for their psychological perception. Another novelist of the late 19th century was the prolific Anthony Trollope, famous for sequences of related novels that explore social, ecclesiastical, and political life in England.

       The preeminent poet of the Victorian age was Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Although romantic in subject matter, his poetry was tempered by personal melancholy; in its mixture of social certitude and religious doubt it reflected the age. The poetry of Robert Browning and his wife, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, was immensely popular, though Elizabeth's was more venerated during their lifetimes. Browning is best remembered for his superb dramatic monologues. RudyardKipling, the poet of the empire triumphant, captured the quality of the life of the soldiers of British expansion. Some fine religious poetry was produced by Francis Thompson, Christina Rossetti, and Lionel Johnson.

                 In the middle of the 19th century the so-called Pre-Raphaelites, led by the painter-poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti, sought to revive what they judged to be the simple, natural values and techniques of medieval life and art. Their quest for a rich symbolic art led them away, however, from the mainstream. William Morris—designer, inventor, printer, poet, and social philosopher—was the most versatile of the group, which included the poets Christina Rossetti and Coventry Patmore.
           Algernon Charles Swinburne began as a Pre-Raphaelite but soon developed his own classically influenced, sometimes florid style. A. E. Housman and Thomas Hardy, Victorian figures who lived on into the 20th cent., share a pessimistic view in their poetry, but Housman's well-constructed verse is rather more superficial. The great innovator among the late Victorian poets was the Jesuit priest Gerard Manley Hopkins. The concentration and originality of his imagery, as well as his jolting meter ("sprung rhythm"), had a profound effect on 20th-century poetry.
During the 1890s the most conspicuous figures on the English literary scene were the decadents. The principal figures in the group were Arthur Symons, Ernest Dowson, and, first among them in both notoriety and talent, Oscar Wilde. The Decadents' disgust with bourgeois complacency led them to extremes of behavior and expression. However limited their accomplishments, they pointed out the hypocrisies in Victorian values and institutions. The sparkling, witty comedies of Oscar Wilde and the comic operettas of W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan were perhaps the brightest achievements of 19th-century British drama.
Thus, Victorian era was not an era of darkness but there
Is also something beyond the darkness.